Sindh, currently enchained in the forced theocratic pseudo-federation of Islamist extremist terrorist state of Pakistan, has been a distinct historic independent nation and homeland since the ages.
It derives its name from the river Indus where the great Indus civilization thrived once on its banks. Contrary to Pakistan, it has been a historic natural homeland of Sindhi nation with a millennia long history of independent national identity and self-rule.
Its fate turned upside down when it was lastly colonized by British imperialist colonialism in 1843 A.D. The British Imperial rule was first to undermine the identical existence of Sindh by merging it with the Bombay Presidency for their so-called administrative ease.
Sindhi political classes struggled for decades to restore its identity until its separation from Bombay in 1936.
The premature Sindhi statehood under British rule in late 30s and early 40s (of 20th century) was caught in the crosshairs of re-establishing its identity and determining its politico-economic discourse when the uncertain times of post-WWII and British withdrawal from India left them with no other choice but to be included in the so-called dominion of Pakistan against their will.
The partition of British India erased the premature roots of modern Sindhi identical nationhood when its upper and middle class consisting of millions of Sindhi Hindu citizens (who dominated the urban economy) were forced to leave after the establishment of Pakistan.
Sindhi identity and separate nationhood has become a struggle and movement since then.
United nations, international community and human rights organizations are sleeping at this moment, when they wake up deliver our this message to them that state of Pakistan has completely banned political freedom, freedom of expression and media in Sindh, human rights are being violated and existence of historical nations is being destroy, leading islamic extremism and terrorism is favorite time pass of state of Pakistan, Pakistan considers Islamic terrorist organizations as their strategic assets, Sindh is victim of economic exploitation, Political oppression and cruelty, political workers of sindh are being inhumanely tortured in detention centers of state of Pakistan natural resources, river lands and ocean are forcefully occupied by Army of Pakistan.
Sindh is being victimized on a higher scale under the gun of Punjab and religion by the state of Pakistan. Sindh must be emancipated from fascism, cruelty and oppression of unnatural and terrorist state Pakistan.