
 Organizational structure

JSMM’s party structure is completely democratic.

Central Committee and National Congress are the two main authoritative institutions of the organization.

National Congress comprises of the Zonal, District, Divisional councilor representatives of JSMM elected by the members of the party. National Congress (divisional, district, zonal representatives) is responsible to execute and implement the decisions, policies and political actions of the party under the central command of the Central Committee. National Congress is also authorized to elect the Central Committee and Chairman of the Party.

Central Committee

The highest authority in the party is the Central Committee which comprises of 31 members elected by and from the National Congress. Central Committee comprises of several executive bodies of different departments, wings, committees, that administrate and execute the policy and activities of the party. Central Committee is responsible for the decision and policy making of the organization.
Main departments, wings, committees of JSMM are as under:

  1. Central Executive Body
  2. Intellectual Committee
  3. Coordination Committee
  4. Cultural Front
  5. Ladies Wing
  6. Labor Wing
  7. Students’ Wing

Central Executive Body:

Officially, the constitution of Jeay Sindh Muttahida Mahaz, provides a four-year term for the Chairman.

Elected Chairman of JSMM is authorized to select the rest of members of the Central Organizational Body of the JSMM that comprises of 11 members.

Current party positions and occupiers are as under:

  1. Chairman Shafi Muhammad Burfat
  2.  Senior Vice Chairman Lala Aslam Pathan
  3. Vice Chairman                                                   Name is Secret   
  4.  Secretary General                                             Asif Juno
  5. Deputy Secretary General                                Name is Secret
  6. Joint Secretary                                                  Name is Secret
  7.  Finance Secretary                                            Name is Secret
  8. Information Secretary                                      Name is Secret
  9. Coordination Secretary                                    Name is Secret
  10.  Webpage Secretary                                         Name is Secret
  11.  Broadcasting and Publication Secretary      Name is Secret

Committee Head


  1. Intellectual committee Name is Secret
  2. Coordination committee Name is Secret
  3. Cultural Front Name is Secret
  4. Labor Wing Name is Secret
  5. Ladies Wing Name is Secret
  6. Students’ Wing Name is Secret